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Welcome to Moose on the Loose and the Fall 5k!

Registration Link for both events below

We believe kids can do hard things while having fun. This includes:

  • Doing your best, pushing yourself and helping others is fun.

  • Running is fun - running on dirt is more fun.

  • Kids can do hard things.

With these driving beliefs, Moose on the Loose Kids Trail Running Series was created. Our races are designed to be achievable and enjoyable for all levels of runners, with the goal of inspiring kids to do their best, push themselves, and believe in themselves.

¡Bienvenidos a Alces sueltos!

Los niños pueden hacer cosas difíciles y divertirse haciéndolas. Creemos:

• Hacer lo mejor que puedas, esforzarte y ayudar a los demás es divertido.

• Correr es divertido; correr sobre tierra es más divertido.

• Los niños pueden hacer cosas difíciles.

Con estas creencias impulsoras, se creó la serie Moose on the Loose Kids Trail Running. Nuestras carreras están diseñadas para que sean alcanzables y divertidas para corredores de todos los niveles, con el objetivo de inspirar a los niños a dar lo mejor de sí mismos, esforzarse y creer en sí mismos. Para aquellos con necesidades financieras, envíe un correo electrónico a o

    2024 RACES
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Race Distances


Moose on the Loose Races offers three distance options with suggested age ranges for each distance:

Hay 3 distancias de carrera:

Mini Moose 

0.5-ish mile course is suggested for ages 3 years to 6 years

Media milla para niños de 3 a 6 años.

Junior Moose

3.0K course is suggested for ages 7 to 10 years

Recorrido de 3 kilómetros recomendado para niños de 7 a 10 años.

Mighty Moose

5.0K course is suggested for ages 11 to 14 years

Se sugiere recorrido de 5 kilómetros para edades de 11 a 14 años.



This route serves as a very kid-friendly introduction to trail running on the soft-surface double track and single-track of the lower UOP Trail system. Runners will start and finish on the Millennium Trail near Skullcandy HQ and run the rolling hills beneath the Utah Olympic Park.  Much of the course is visible from the start/finish area.

Los corredores comenzarán y terminarán en Millennium Trail cerca de la sede de Skullcandy y correrán por las colinas debajo del Parque Olímpico de Utah.  Gran parte del recorrido es visible desde el área de salida/meta.

N Round Valley Trailhead | July 13/13 de julio


This race will challenge our runners with a mix of smooth trails and more technical terrain. The Mighty Moose and the Junior Moose will utilize the fantastic Happy Gilmore and TM Trails, running 100% on the fun single track that Park City is known for. Mini Moose will run an equally challenging route on double-track to allow plenty of space for their adult running partners. Much of the routes are visible from the start/finish area.

Los corredores comenzarán y terminarán en Millennium Trail cerca de la sede de Skullcandy y correrán por las colinas debajo del Parque Olímpico de Utah.  Gran parte del recorrido es visible desde el área de salida/meta.

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Quinn's Round Valley | August 10/10 de agosto

Round Valley offers non-technical soft-surface double track trails and runners and spectators are treated to an awesome view of the Wasatch while running through sage, scrub oak, and a variety of wildflowers. The Mighty Moose will also get a taste of some great flowing single-track on their course. Much of the course is visible from the start/finish area. 

La carrera Trailhead de Round Valley Quinn ofrece senderos fáciles visibles desde el área de salida/meta. Los niños mayores recorrerán senderos más desafiantes.


Utah Olympic Park | September 14/14 de septiembre


You can't beat fall at the Olympic Park! Races will start and finish at the base of the Olympic ski jumps and use the surrounding trail system. These trails will challenge racers with the most vertical gain and loss of the series. 

Also featuring the Fall 5km for adults and anyone 15 and up and will be on the same course as the Mighty Moose. 

Esta será una carrera a pie más desafiante y tendrá los saltos de esquí olímpicos de fondo.

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Volunteer and Get a Free Race Entry!

We need volunteers on race days to make these events possible. If you or another family member over age 15 can volunteer from 7:00-10:00AM on a race day, you will get a free race entry! In addition, PCSS members will earn credit toward their work deposit for the hours volunteered. We need assistance for each race, and positions needed are course set-up and water stations, race check-in and start/finish line, and course guides.


For more information, please send an email with your name and phone number to We will contact you to confirm the volunteer slot(s) of interest, and also provide a discount you can use when registering for a race. Thank you for supporting Moose on the Loose!

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